Common Tags
This does not include the close tags as they are fairly self explanitory
- <header> makes the header section
- <title> changes the text displayed on the tab
- <p> makes a paragraph
- <h1>-<h6> makes text of different sizes with <h1> being the largest and <h6> being the smallest
- <div> separates section in the div tag
- <em> puts emphasis on the text, typically in the form of italics
- <strong> puts emphasis on the text, typically in the form of bold print
- <ul> creates an unordered list, commonly in the form of a bulleted list
- <ol> creates an ordered list, commonly in the form of a numbered list
- <li> identifies a list item
Special Codes
- <br/> manualy separates lines
- <img /> adds an image
- <link /> links the page to another
- > entity for greater than
- < entity for less than
- & entity for ampersand (&)
- © entity for copyright
- ® entity for regirtered trademark
- ⁄ entity for forward slash