Time to start coding what I assume to be your first code, and to learn what is to be more than just a tool to get on the World Wide Web, but a way to truly get to express yourself. First, to start coding, you are obviously going to need, not only a computer, but a coding program. The program that I like to use is Notepad++, but you can choose from a variety of other coding programs such as TextWrangler and Programmer's Notepad, the ones listed being free. Once you have downloaded your text editor, open it and familiarise yourself with its contents and functions as no two are exactly alike and some can offer things that others do not. Now the fun begins. The first thing that you will do, because we will be discussing HTML, is type <!Doctype html> as this will allow the browser to know that you are coding in HTML which is common practice among experienced coders as it is considered important in creating “good code” or code that can easily be accessed and used by the viewers. Good code has also been known for increased user speed and overall viewer satisfaction as it makes the whole page flow more fluently. The next tag to place is the <div id=“head”> tag. The head div tag is used to house tags such as your title tags and link tags, as well as being a place where you can write a thing or two and is used as a way of better organising codes, however, it is not necessary. The <title> tag is a tag that goes under the <head> tag, the text in this tag is what is shown on the tabs at the top of the screen. To keep things organised, separate lines are usually used each time a new tag is used, so your title tag would be on a line under your head tag. Many of the new programmers that I know of who begin writing their first webpage like to write “hello world” for their title tag as they believe it is their way of telling the world that they are ready to code. Once you have finished your title, you will write a close tag at the end of your title which is basically the same as the opening tag with the exception of a slash at the beginning of the tag. To close the title tag, you would put </title> at the end of your title. You should get into the habit of closing almost all of your tags, with some exceptions that I will explain latter, not only so that one tag is not included in another, but also considered essential to the creation of good code. If you would like to include a welcome text at the top, you could also use a header tag which ranges from <h1>, which is the biggest, to <h6> which is the smallest, however, being a welcome text, I recommend the <h1> tag. Once again, do not forget to close your tag. Congratulations! You have just created your first code, yet we are not going to stop just there. At any time, you can save your code to a place that can be easily accessed and when you open it, you can view your first webpage in all of its glory, but be sure when saving it, to save it as HTML, otherwise you would open what you just wrote in a text document. At first, once opened, you will notice that there is hardly anything written on your web page, especially for how much code you have already written, but that is alright, we will be getting to writing the main body very shortly. It is also to be expected that you will find yourself writing much more than you are actually showing, because, to create a website, computers need exact, precise, instructions and so do not be surprised if your code looks significantly larger than what the viewer will be seeing. Moving on, we will begin to give text to your webpage, and this is where the text to code ratio is most likely to tip in favor of text. To start the text, you could add a heading by using <h2> or other h tags depending on what you want. Feel free to write hello to the world, if your are lost for words. The text in your header tab will most likely come out larger than your paragraph text, however smaller h tags can actually make your text smaller than the paragraph. The body of your paragraph starts after you close your header and add your paragraph tag or <p>, and it is here that we can get text happy, but again the creative new coder usually just greets the world once more. If you would like, your could add emphasis to parts of your text by using the emphasis <em> tag which usually presents the text in italics. Another way to emphasize the text would be to use the strong <strong> tag, emphasizing the text by making the text bold. Once you are satisfied with your results, we will begin experimenting with the difference between the <p> tag and the line break <br> tag. As we have already seen, the <p> tag is used to separate different bodies of text into their own, separate, paragraphs, however, if you want something in a paragraph to start on a new line, you would use the break tag. A break tag is a special type of tag known as a self-closing tag, and you use them by including a forward slash at the end of the tag, thus eliminating the closing tag, but I will discuss those in further depth latter. Feel free, at this point, to create a new paragraph tag, and with the text that you include, you can throw in a break tag. When you open your code in your browser, you should realise that there is a difference in between the amount of space between the text under the paragraph tags and the space of the text under the break tag with the former being larger than the latter. Knowing this as well as the fact that different paragraphs are easier to work with individually, should you choose to add other programming languages, can really come in handy to know, if you decide to become more involved with coding. Another way that you could better separate different texts is by including them in their own <div> tags, but again, you will not need to this unless you are adding another language to your page. I would like to conclude your body texts with lists. Open one last paragraph tag, and in it, make an ordered list <ol> tag. The ordered list will put things into a numerical list, which numbers each item. Now, on another line, add a list item <li> tag, and everything under the tag, until closed will be put under number 1. Once closed, you can add another list item by creating another list item tag, and this time, as to be expected, the text will be under number 2. Once you have created enough of the numbered list to meet your fancy, close the <ol> tag and on a new line, add an unordered list <ul> tag. An unordered list, like the ordered list, will organise list items under it into a list, however, the unordered list differs in one key aspect, it is obviously unordered. When you add list items to your unordered list, they will be listed in a bulleted format, regardless of the number of list items you have already added. Once you have finished and closed your unordered list, and closed your paragraph, you can rejoice at the fact that you have created your first three segments of code through HTML. Now when you look at your finished project, you should be able to see generally what HTML has to offer.The code itself should also serve as a reference sheet that you may use to practice with. Let us finish strong and add a footer in which you may leave your imprint. Add another paragraph tag, and in it, write copyright© and put your name. Congratulations once more, you have just finished your first webpage.